Cat With Split-Colored Face Becomes A Father To Kittens In Each Of His Colors

Has been popular since birth, Narnia has soon entered the world of “famous cats” when he was born with a split-colored face: half grey and half black. This got his name put on the list of chimeras. In case you are unsure of what chimeras are, they are cats that have two types of DNA in their cells. This happens when two embryos fuse together.

Bored Panda reached out once in 2018 when Narnia first got the attention of the media. Recently, they reached out again when the news of him having two kids that each bears one of his colors just broke the Internet.

It’s surely not a lie when we say time flies. We were won over 4 years ago by the innocent look of the special baby feline, and now Narnia has found his way into our hearts again, with his children.

More info: Facebook | Instagram (h/t: boredpanda)

Narnia’s look first went viral when he was a little kitten


Narnia’s owner shared that “When Narnia was born I was extremely surprised. I knew immediately that he was exceptional.”

Narnia is currently situated in Britain, but he was born in Paris. Stephanie shared in an interview a shocking truth: Narnia was actually not a rare chimera like we all thought. “A geneticist performed tests and [found] Narnia has only one DNA… there remains a mystery for science,” she told the interviewer.

Time flies, now he is a fully grown gorgeous feline


And a dad of beautiful babies, too! This is grey-hair Phoenix and black-hair Prada

We sure are curious about how our little dad is doing. In the interview with Bored Panda, Stephanie said that he was so good with the kittens. He just loves spending time playing with his babies. This is actually not Narnia’s first time being a dad, he has been a wonderful dad to several clowders of cats. An experienced parent he is.

This is Narnia and his wife. What a powerful couple!

Turned out, Phoenix and Prada were not the only kitties in the clowder. They actually have 6 other siblings. There are gray Rose, pitch-black Ozanna, Orfée and Ozanna the light brown twins, and lats but not least two multicolored cutie boys, Polaris and Phantom. All the other kittens besides Prada and Pheonix have Narnia’s eyes. “It is very rare, there are only a few cats in the world that are fully colored and have blue eyes. This is a new gene called “ice,” Stephanie explained.

Narnia’s blue eyes are definitely one of the striking features that just make him stand out


Here is a bonus picture of Narnia and his sisters. His look was really popping!

Stephanie must be really proud of her baby feline

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